Nano Materials and Devices Laboratory

Invited Talks & Lectures:
2025 - "Nanomaterials in Optoelectronic Devices" IIT-ISM Dhanbad (Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme), India.
2024 - "2D materials in Optoelectronic Devices" IIT-ISM Dhanbad (Faculty Development Program), India.
2024 - "van der Waals Stacking of 2D Materials" Anna University, India.
2024 - "Challenges and Opportunities in 2 D Material" Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
2023 - "2D Materials and its Future" Korea Tech, South Korea.
2023 - "Low-Dimensional Materials and its Application" Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur India.
2023 - "2D Innovations in Next-Generation Devices" Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
2022 - "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology" Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan.
2021 - “Atomically Thin Material for High-Performance Optoelectronic Devices” Indian Institute of Science, India.
2021 - "Graphene and its Future Electronic Devices" Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan.
2021 - “Light and Matter Interaction in Novel 2D Atomically Thin Films” Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Russia.
2020 - "Growth of Single Crystals: Vapor, Liquid, Solid Phase Crystallization" Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan.
Conferences & Symposium Meetings :
[* Corresponding Author]
27. R. K. Ulaganathan*, P. K. Roy, C.-T. Liang, R. Sankar*, “High-Performance Photodetector and Angular-Dependent Random Lasing from Long- Chain Organic Diammonium Sandwiched 2D Hybrid Perovskite Non-linear Optical Single Crystal” International Workshop on Transport and Optics in Topological Systems (TOTS-2024), Taipei, Taiwan.
26. D. I. Miakota, G. Ghimire, F. L. Larsen, R. Malureanu, R. K. Ulaganathan, S. Canulescu “Alkali-assisted synthesis of multilayer crystalline MoS2 nanoribbons with 2D edges, and Schottky barrier observation on MoS2 nanoribbon-Au/Cr junction” 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides-2024, Hongkong.
25. A. Subramanian, V. Thirunavukkarasu, R. K. Ulaganathan*, R. Sankar, W. S. Lew, C.-Y. Lin, “Photoconduction Properties in Germanium Sulfide Nanosheets on Rigid and Flexible Substrates” 8th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference-2024, Bangalore, India.
24. G. Ghimire, R. K. Ulaganathan, D. I. Miakota,S. Canulescu, “MoS2 Nanostructures with Tailored Dimensionality.” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting & Exhibit-2023, San Francisco, United States.
23. R. K. Ulaganathan, G. Ghimire, D. I. Miakota,S. Canulescu, “pMoOx-nMoS2 Heterojunction Assembly for Tunable and Efficient Optoelectronic Devices.” 4th European Congress on Graphene & 2D Materials-2022, Paris, France.
22. G. Ghimire, R. K. Ulaganathan, D. I. Miakota,S. Canulescu, “Quasi One-Dimensional MoS2 Nanoribbons” 12th European Conference and Exhibition in Graphene and 2D Materials-2022, Aachen, Germany.
21. G. Ghimire, R. K. Ulaganathan, D. I. Miakota, S. Engberg, S. Canulescu, “Light Harvesting in MoS2 Semiconducting Homostructures” 12th Hybrid European Kesterite Worshop-2022, Lyngby, Denmark.
20. D. I. Miakota, G. Ghimire, F. F. Bertoldo, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. U. Raymond, B. G. David, S. L. J. Engberg, F. B. Fabian, K. S. Thygesen, S. Canulescu, “Laser-assisted Synthesis of 2D Quantum Materials and Heterostructures” 16th International Conference on Laser Ablation, Matsue, Japan.
19. T. P. Lu, M. X. Loi, J. J. Yeh, A. Subramanian, P. H. Chiu, C. H. Wu, H. W. Liu, R. K. Ulaganathan, C. Y. Lin, “Electrical Characteristics of InSe-based Field-effect Transistors” International Conference on Applied System Innovation (IEEE)-2022, Nantou, Taiwan.
18. D. I. Miakota, G. Ghimire, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. U. Raymond, B. G. David, S. L. J. Engberg, S. Canulescu, “A Potential Approach to Grow Vander Waals Heterostructures based on Pulsed laser Deposition of Solid Oxide Precursors for Thin Film Photovoltaics” European Materials Research Society (EMRS)-2022, France.
17. D. I. Miakota, G. Ghimire, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. U. Raymond, B. G. David, S. L. J. Engberg, F. B. Fabian, K. S. Thygesen, S. Canulescu, “Two-Dimensional Tungsten Disulfide Monolayers Synthesized from Solid Oxide Precursor Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition” Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting-2021, Boston, United States.
16. R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou*, “High-Performance Flexible Broadband Photodetectors Based on 2D Hafnium Selenosulfide Nanosheets” CCMS Annual Meeting 2020, Taipei, Taiwan-“Honorable Mention Award.”
15. A. Kumar, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, X. Gao*, “Effect of Oxygen Adsorption on Electron Transport in Few-Layer InSe FETs” American Physical Society (APS) Annual Meeting-2019, March 4-8th, Boston, United States.
14. R. K. Ulaganathan, T. P. Chen, C. M. Raghavan, R. Sankar, C. W. Chen, F. C. Chou*, “Stable Two-dimensional Ruddelsden-Popper Hybrid Lead Iodide Perovskites for Optoelectronic Applications” Annual Meeting of Centre of Atomic Initiatives for New Materials-2018, November 16th, Taipei, Taiwan.
13. K. Viraj, S. Sucharitakul, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, X. Gao*, “Tuning Spin-orbit coupling in Few-layer InSe” American Physical Society (APS) Annual Meeting 2018, March 5-9th, Los Angeles, United States.
12. Chang-Yu Lin*, R. K. Ulaganathan, Raman Sankar, and Fang-Cheng Chou, “The Metal-Contacts on Graphene-like Layered Materials” IEEE ICASI-2017, May 13-17th, Sapporo, Japan.
11. R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. T. Chen*, “Novel two-dimensional materials for the Transistor, Photodetector, and Light-emitting Device Applications” Annual Graduate Symposium, Department of Chemistry-2016, June 11th, Taipei, Taiwan-“Awarded Popular Poster.”
10. S. Sucharitakul, M. Liu, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen, X. Gao*, “Few-Layer III-VI and IV-VI 2D Semiconductor Transistors” American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting-2016, March 14-18th, Baltimore, United States.
9. R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. T. Chen*, “High Photosensitivity and Broad Spectral Response of Multi-layered Germanium Sulfide Transistors” Materials Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting and Exhibit-2016, March 28th-April 1st Phoenix, United States.
8. R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. T. Chen*, “Optoelectronics and Energy-Related Applications of Two-Dimensional Materials” International Nanotechnology Conference and Expo-2016, April 4-6th, Baltimore, United States.
7. R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. T. Chen*, “New Two-Dimensional Semiconductor and Their Potential Opto-Electronic Applications” SF Nano Annual Meeting-2016, December 12-14th, Paris, France.
6. R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. Y. Lu, C. J. Kuo, S. R. Tamalampudi, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen*, “High Photosensitivity and Broad Spectral Response of Multi-layered Germanium Sulfide Transistors” 11th International Conference and Expo on Nanoscience & Molecular Nanotechnology-2016, October-20-22nd, Rome, Italy.
5. R. K. Ulaganathan, Y.T. Chen*, “A Highly Photoresponsive Multi-Layered Germanium Sulfide Photodetector” Annual meeting of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Program-2016, May, Taipei, Taiwan-“Selected in Top 10 Best Poster.”
4. S. Sucharitakul, N. Goble, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen, X. Gao*, “Field-effect vs. Hall Mobility in Back-gated Multi-layered InSe FETs” American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting-2015, March 2-6th, San Antonio, United States.
3. R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. T. Chen*, “A Novel Two-dimensional Misfit Layered Material for Nanoelectronics Devices” Annual meeting of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Program 2015, May, Taipei, Taiwan-“Selected inTop 10 Best Poster.”
2. R. K. Ulaganathan, K. R. J. Thomas*, “Hybrid Nanostructures for the Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells” International Conference on Advancement of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICOANN)-2010, Karaikudi, India.
1. R. Agarwal, R. K. Ulaganathan, A. Baheti, K. R. J. Thomas*. “Interaction of TiO2 Nanoparticles in Organic Dye for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell” Modern Trends Inorganic Chemistry (MTIC-X111)-2009, IISC, Bangalore, India.