Nano Materials and Devices Laboratory

Research Publications: 40+ {Citations 2600+, h-index 22 and i10-index 30}
(* Corresponding Authors, # Equal Contributions)

After Joining the IITR
40. Anisotropic screening of excitons in van der Waals materials
T.-H. Wu, C.-E. Hsu, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, Z. Li, C.-C. Lee, C.-S. Chang . Kung-Hsuan Li, *
npj 2D Materials & Applications, 2025, (IF-9.2)

39. The dHvA effect in Sn-doped PbTe Topological Crystalline Insulator.
D. Miertschin, T. Nguyen, S. Zhang, M. Lee, S. Krishnamoorthi, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, D. E. Graf. K. Shrestha*.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2025, 37, 155501. (IF-2.3) PDF

Before Joining the IITR
Post-Doctoral Works
38. Interplay between Magnetic and Lattice Excitations and Emergent Multiple Phase Transitions in MnPSe3-xSx.
D. Kumar, N. T. Hoang, Y. Sim, Y. Choi, K. Raju, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, M. J. Seong, K. Y. Choi*.
Physical Review B, 2024, 110, 064414. (IF-3.2) PDF

Citations -
37. Optical Probe of Magnetic Ordering Structure in Mn-substituted NiPS3.
J, -H. Lee, S. Lee, Y. Choi, L. Gries, R. Klingeler, K. Raju, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, M.-J. Seong, K.-Y. Choi*.
Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 2405153. (IF - 18.5) PDF
"Published in Journal Cover Page"

Citations -

36. Structural, Magnetic and Electronic Properties of GdAsSe Single Crystal: Experimental and Theoretical Studies.
R. Kalaivanan, B. D. S. Chandana, R. K. Ulaganathan, S. M. Ganesan, K.-Y. Choi, I. P. Muthuselvam, R. Sankar*.
Physical Review B, 2024, 109, 184420. (IF-3.2) PDF

Citations -
35. Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in 2H-MoS2 Basal Planes Enhanced by Surface Electron Accumulation.
V. Krishnamoorthy, H. K. Bangolla, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-T. Huang, C. M. Cheng, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, K.- Y. Lee, H.-Y. Du, L.-C. Chen, K.-H. Chen, R.-S. Chen*.
Catalysts, 2024, 14, 15. (IF-3.8) PDF

Citations - 1
34. Quasi 1D MoS2 Nanoribbons with Enhanced Edge Nonlinear Response and Photoresponsivity.
G. Ghimire, R. K. Ulaganathan, A. Tempez, O. Chenko, R. R. Unocic, J. Heske, D. I. Miakota, C. Xiang, M. Chaigneau, K. S. Thygesen,T. Booth, D. B. Geohegan,
S. Canulescu*.
Advanced Materials, 2023, 35, 2302469. (IF-27.4) PDF

Citations - 5
33. High-Performance Photodetector and Angular-Dependent Random Lasing from Long- Chain Organic Diammonium Sandwiched 2D Hybrid Perovskite Non-linear Optical Single Crystal.
R. K. Ulaganathan, P. K. Roy, S. M. Mhatre, R. C. Murugesan, W.-L. Chen, M.-H. Lai, A. Subramanian, C.-Y. Ling, Y.-M. Chang, A. Rozhin, C.-T. Liang, R. Sankar.
Advanced Functional Materials, 2023, 33, 2214078. (IF-18.5) PDF

Citations - 11
32. Electrical and Optoelectronic Anisotropy and Surface Electron Accumulation in ReS2 Nanostructures.
H. K. Bangolla, M. Y. Fakhri, C.-H. Lin, C.-M. Cheng, Y.-H. Lu, T.-Y. Fu, P. R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, R.-S. Chen*,
Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 19735. (IF-5.8) PDF

Citations - 1
31. Photoconduction Properties in Tungsten Disulfide Nanostructures.
H. K. Bangolla, Y.-C. Lee, W.-C. Shen, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, H.-Y. Du*, Ruei-San Chen*
Nanomaterials, 2023, 13, 2190. (IF-4.4) PDF

Citations - 2
30. A novel Two-step Route to Unidirectional Growth of Multilayer MoS2 Nanoribbons.
D. I. Miakota, G. Ghimire, R. K. Ulaganathan, M E. Rodriguez, S. Canulescu
Applied Surface Sciences, 2023, 619, 156748. (IF-6.3) PDF

Citations - 18
29. Stable Formamidinium Based Centimeter Long Two-Dimensional (2D) Lead Halide Perovskite Single Crystal for Long-Live Optoelectronic Application.
R. K. Ulaganathan*, R. C. Murugesan* C. -Y. Lin, A. Subramanian, W.-L. Chen, Y.-M. Chang, A. Rozhin and R. Sankar*
Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32, 2112277. (IF-18.5) (* Corresponding Authors) PDF

Citations - 18
28. Extended Air, Light, and Heat Resistive Organolead Halide Perovskite Single-Crystalline Microrods for High-Performance Photodetector.
C.-Y. Lin, R. K. Ulaganathan*, A. Subramanian, H.-C. Weng, Y.-J. Chang, R. C. Murugesan, R. Sankar, and A. Rozhin.
Materials Advances, 2022, 3, 8771-8779. (IF-5.2) (* Corresponding Authors) PDF

Citations - 2
27. A Silicon-Based Two-Dimensional Chalcogenide of p-type Semiconducting Silicon Telluride Nanosheets for Ultrahigh Sensitive Photodetector Applications.
R. K. Ulaganathan*, C.-Y. Lin*, R. Sankar*, Raghavan Chinnambedu Murugesan, Ambika Subramanian, Alex Rozhin and Shaik Firdoz
Journal of Material Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 10478-10486. (IF-5.7) (* Corresponding Authors & # Equal Contribution) PDF

Citations - 9
26. A Bi-anti-ambipolar Field Effect Transistor.
C. R. P. Inbaraj, R. J. Mathew, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, M. Kataria, H. Y. Lin, Y. T. Chen, M. Hofmann, C. H. Lee, Y. F. Chen*
ACS Nano, 2021, 15, 8686-8693. (IF-15.8) PDF

Citations - 41
25. Staggered Band Offset Induced High-Performance Optoelectronic Devices: Atomically Thin Vertically Stacked GaSe-SnS2 van der Waals p-n Heterostructures.
P. Perumal, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, L. Zhu*
Applied Surface Science, 2021, 535, 147480. (IF-6.3) PDF

Citations - 19
24. High-performance Flexible Broadband Photodetectors Based on 2D Hafnium Selenosulfide Nanosheets.
R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, C. Y. Lin, R. C. Murugesan, K. Tang, F. C. Chou*
Advanced Electronic Material, 2020, 6, 1900794. (IF-5.3) PDF

Citations - 32
23. Unprecedented Random Lasing in 2D Organolead Halide Single-Crystalline Perovskite Microrods.
R. K. Ulaganathan#, P. K. Roy#, R. C. Murugesan, S. Mhatre, H. I. Lin, W. L. Chen, Y. F. Chen, Y. M. Chang, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, C. T. Liang*,
Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 18269-18277. (IF- 5.8) (#Equally Contribution) PDF

Citations - 24
22. Modulating Charge Separation with Hexagonal Boron Nitride Mediation in Vertical Van der Waals Heterostructures.
C. R. P. Inbaraj, R. J. Mathew, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, M. Kataria, H. Y. Lin, H. Y. Cheng, K. H. Lin, H. I. Lin, Y. M. Liao, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen, C. H. Lee, Y. F. Chen*,
ACS Applied & Material Interfaces, 2020, 12, 26213-26221. (IF-8.3) PDF

Citations - 15
21. Electron-Electron Interactions in 2D Semiconductor InSe.
A. S. Kumar, K. Premasiri, M. Gao, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, X. P. A. Gao*
Physical Review B, 2020, 102, 121301(R) (IF-3.2) PDF

Citations - 87
20. Hybrid InSe Nanosheets and MoS2 Quantum Dots for High-Performance Broadband Photodetectors and Photovoltaic Cells.
R. K. Ulaganathan, K. Yadav, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen*
Advanced Material Interfaces, 2019, 6, 1801336. (IF-4.3) PDF

Citations - 39
19. Sn-doping Enhanced Ultra-high Mobility In1-xSnxSe Phototransistor.
C. R. P. Inbaraj, V. K. Gudelli, R. J. Mathew, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, H. Y. Lin, H. I. Lin, Y. M. Liao, H. Y. Cheng, K. H. Lin, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen, C. H. Lee, G. Y. Guo, Y. F. Chen*
ACS Applied & Material Interfaces, 2019, 11, 24269-24278. (IF-8.3) PDF

Citations - 22
18. Light and Matter Interaction in Two-Dimensional Atomically Thin Films.
R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. H. Chang, D. Y. Wang, S. S. Li*
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2018, 91, 761-771. (IF-3.3) PDF
"Published in Journal Cover Page"

Citations - 22

17. Tuning Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling in Gated Multilayer InSe.
K. Premasiri, S. K. Radha, S. Sucharitakul, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen, X. P. A. Gao*
Nano Letters, 2018, 7, 4403-4408. (IF-9.6) PDF

Citations - 73
16. Enhanced Light Emission from the Ridge of Two-dimensional InSe Flakes.
Y. Li, T. M. Wang, H. Wang, Z. P. Li, Y. W. Chen, D. West, R. Sankar, R. K. Ulaganathan, F. C. Chou, C. Wetzel, C. Y. Xu, S. B. Zhang, S. F. Shi*
Nano Letters, 2018, 18, 5078-5084. (IF-9.6) PDF

Citations - 44
15. Ultra-high Performance Flexible Piezo Potential Gated In1-xSnxSe Phototransistor.
C. R. P. Inbaraj, R. J. Mathew, G. Haider, T. P. Chen, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, K. P. Bera, Y. M. Liao, M. Kataria, H. I. Lin, Y. T. Chen, C. H. Lee, Y. F. Chen*
Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 18642-18650. (IF-5.8) PDF

Citations - 17
14. Ultrasensitive Tunability of the Direct Bandgap of 2D InSe Flakes via Strain Engineering.
Y. Li, T. Wang, M. Wu, T. Cao, Y. W. Chen, R. Sankar, R. K. Ulaganathan, F. C. Chou, C. Wetzel, C. G. Xu, S. G. Louie, S. F. Shi*
2D Materials, 2018, 5, 021002. (IF-4.5) PDF

Citations - 91
13. Lipid- Modified Graphene-Transistor Biosensor for Monitoring Amyloid-β Aggregation.
C. J. Kuo, H. C. Chiang, C. A. Tseng, C. F. Chang, R. K. Ulaganathan, T. T. Ling, Y. J. Chang, C. C. Chen, Y. R. Chen, Y. T. Chen*
ACS Applied & Material Interfaces, 2018, 10, 12311-12316. (IF -8.3) PDF

Citations - 32
12. One-Step Synthesis of Antioxidative Graphene-Wrapped Copper Nanoparticles on Flexible Substrates for Electronic and Electrocatalytic Applications.
C. A. Tseng, C. C. Chen, R. K. Ulaganathan, C. P. Lee, H. C. Chiang, C. F. Chang, Y. T. Chen*
ACS Applied & Material Interfaces, 2017, 9, 25067-25072. (IF-8.3) PDF

Citations - 26
11. Ambipolar Behaviors of Few-layered InSe Field-Effect Transistors.
C. Y. Lin*, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou,
AIP Advances, 2017, 7, 075314. (IF-1.4) PDF

Citations - 15
10. Targeted and Efficient activation of Channelrhodopsins Expressed in Living Cells via Specifically-bound Upconversion Nanoparticles.
K. Yadav, A. C. Chou, R. K. Ulaganathan, H. D. Gao, H. M. Lee, C. Y. Pan, Y. T. Chen*,
Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 9457-9466. (IF-5.8) PDF

Citations - 33
9. Detection of K+ Efflux from Stimulated Cortical Neurons by an Aptamer-Modified Silicon Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor.
A. Anand, C. R. Liu, A. C. Chou, W. H. Hsu, R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. C. Lin, C. A. Dai, F. G. Tseng, C. Y. Pan, Y. T. Chen*,
ACS Sensors, 2017, 2, 69-79. (IF - 8.2) PDF

Citations - 47
Doctoral Works
8. High Photosensitivity and Broad Spectral Response of Multi-layered Germanium Sulfide Transistors.
R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. Y. Lu, C. J. Kuo, S. R. Tamalampudi, R. Sankar, K. M. Boopathi, A. Anand, K. Yadav, R. J. Mathew, C. R. Liu, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen*
Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 2284-2292. (IF-5.8) PDF

Citations - 166
7. Ultra-thin Layered Ternary Single Crystals [Sn(SxSe1-x)2] with Bandgap Engineering for High-performance Phototransistors on Versatile Substrates.
P. Perumal, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, Y. M. Liao, T. M. Sun, M. W. Chu, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen, M. H. Shih, Y. F. Chen*
Advanced Functional Material, 2016, 26, 3630-3638. (IF-18.5) PDF

Citations - 88
6. Screening Limited Switching Performance of Multilayer 2D semiconductor FETs: the case for SnS.
S. Sucharitakul, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen, C. Wang, C. He, R. Hef, X. P. A. Gao*,
Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 19050-19057. (IF-5.8) PDF

Citations - 68
5. Intrinsic Electron Mobility Exceeding 103 Cm2/ (V s) in Multilayer InSe FETs.
S. Sucharitakul, N. J. Goble, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, Z. A. Bogorad, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen, X. P. A. Gao*
Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 3815-3819. (IF-9.6) PDF

Citations - 424
4. Three-Dimensional Heterostructures of MoS2 Nanosheets on Conducting MoO2 as an Efficient Electrocatalyst to Enhance Hydrogen Evolution Reaction.
R. D. Nikam, A. Y. Lu, P. A. Sonawane, R. K. Ulaganathan, K. Yadav, L. J. Li, Y. T. Chen*
ACS Applied & Material Interfaces, 2015, 7, 23328-23335. (IF-8.3) PDF

Citations - 177
"Highly cited paper placed top 1%
in the field of Physics"
3. High Performance and Bendable Few-Layered InSe Photodetectors with Broad Spectral Response.
S. R. Tamalampudi, Y. Y. Lu, R. K. Ulaganathan, R. Sankar, C. D. Liao, K. M. Boopathi, C. H. Cheng, F. C. Chou, Y. T. Chen*
Nano Letters, 2014, 14, 2800-2806. (IF-9.6) PDF

Citations - 802
2. DNA Combing on Low-pressure Oxygen Plasma Modified polysilsesquioxane Substrates for Single-molecule Studies.
K. K. Sriram, C. L. Chang, R. K. Ulaganathan, C. F. Chou*
Biomicrofluidics, 2014, 8, 052102. (IF-2.6) PDF

Citations - 11
1. Advances in Nanowire Transistors for Biological Analysis and Cellular Investigation.
B. R. Li, C. C. Chen, R. K. Ulaganathan, Y. T. Chen*
Analyst, 2014, 139, 1589-1608. (IF-3.6) PDF